Tartu winter seminar 2018

Tartu kendo club is organizing winter seminar on 30.11-02.12.2018
Teacher: Kari Jääskeläinen, 6th dan kendo

Venue: Turu 8 sports hall, Tartu. Practice takes place in hall no. III.

* Friday: 19:30-21:00
* Saturday: 10:00-17:00, lunch at 12:00-14:00
* Sunday: 10:00-15:30, lunch at 11:30-12:30

There is a kyu-grading on Sunday. The fee for kyu-grading is 20 EUR.

There will be a social event on Saturday, most probably a sauna. Details to be confirmed.

The fee for seminar is 25 EUR, payable to club's bank account or in cash at seminar.

Please register for seminar: https://bit.ly/2AvvhUY

For up-to-date details, see our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/736997246644911/
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